Eagle ship Management Co., Ltd. is a company to manage the ship operation and seafarers safety.

TEL. 03-6262-8090

Shinkawa Musashiya Building, 1-2-10, Shinkawa, Chuo-ku,Tokyo, 104-0033, Japan

Management DivisionManagement Division

Marine Department

Roles of Marine Department

Vessels are built depending on the Various Cargoes which they carry and such Cargo Specifications.

Out of the Various Type of Vessels, we are conducting Ship Management for Bulk Carriers, General Cargo Vessels, Chemical Tankers, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Tankers, based under the approval from the Class NK (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai), as the Company which can conduct such Ship Management.

In order to assure the Safe Operation of the Managed Vessels, we are confirming the Weather/Sea Conditions of the Vesselfs Route and/or Laying Ports, and sending our advice & instructions in advance to the Masters, whom are the Highest Authority on board the Vessels.

Also, in order to confirm whether our Vessels are in compliant to the Requirements of each Flag States, Port State Controls (PSCs), and Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF), we conduct Periodical Visitations to our Managed Vessels, as well as, in order for our Seafarers can deal / correspond to such Requirements, we also conduct Educations / Trainings to them on the Scene.

It is also our Essential Profession to attend our Vessels, in order to assure as well as to confirm whether they can surely / smoothly come up to the standard to the Various Inspections (Classification Inspections, Chartererfs Inspections, SIRE (Ship Inspection Report Program) Inspections, etc).

Our Department is deployed with Members with Professional Knowledge and Skills, whom can support the Safe Carriage of Various Cargoes, and Dealing with Various Inspections.

Tanker Supervisor Team

@We mainly visited the ship when requested in various tanker vessels and strived to avoid troubles by carrying out safe and smooth progress of cargo handling and safety check in the standpoint between ship and terminal.

Technical Department

Roles of Technical Department

We, the Technical Department are contained with Expert Members whom can maintain 2,700kw to 17,690kw Variously Powered Main Engines, with Various Size, Various Makers, and can conduct Cost Control under the Requirements of our good Owners.

We arrange necessary Spares and Stores to our Managed Vessels worldwide, within the Required Time Frame, Quality and Cost. For the Maintenance Works on board, such daily progress are confirmed by the Close Correspondence with the Masters and Chief Engineers daily, and the PIC Technical Superintendents will issue Proper Instructions in order to maintain the good Condition of the Ship and Machineries.

Also, the Drydocking Works which essential for the Ship, the PIC Technical Superintendents will attend such from the Pre-working Arrangements / Correspondences throughout till the Recording / Reporting of the Works (which is the Final Stage), as well as depending on our good Ownerfs Request, can perform the Final Cost Negotiations with the Shipyard / Providers.

It is our Departmentfs responsibility to always be focused on the Maintenance of the Ship, in a line to the Establishment of Economical Operation of the Ship which effected by the Hull Condition of the Ship, as well as, to save the Drydocking Fees. In a line to the above, daily considering and doing our best to maintain the good Condition of the Ship, which is the Important Property of our good Owners, are also our important role.

Crewing Dept


Roles of Crewing Dept

Equipment that can be remarkably developed by advancing technology. Our fleet vessel are no exception, equipped with a wide variety of high-precision instruments that are not comparable to the past, and now it is indispensable for ships' safe operation.

No matter how high-performance and convenient equipment is installed, human hands, so-called seamen, are indispensable for making safe operation using these devices.

Currently, Filipino and Myanmar seamen are mainly on boarding in our managed vessels. Depending on the characteristics of each ship, We determine the suitability of the crew abilities individually and arrange their assignment in our fleets operating all over the world.

In recent years, regulations and treaties concerning the operation of ships as well as equipment are repeatedly changing daily. It is also our important task to raise individual capabilities, such as education before joining in a management vessel and arrangement of advancing license by using their vacation leave period.

All safe operations in vessel are still in hands of seafarers as they have been. Crewing dept. is an important department for electing seamen for said "safe" operation always.

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Eagle Ship Management Co., Ltd.

Shinkawa Musashiya Building, 1-2-10, Shinkawa, Chuo-ku,Tokyo, 104-0033, Japan

TEL 03-6262-8090
FAX 03-6262-8093