TEL. 03-6262-8090
Shinkawa Musashiya Building, 1-2-10, Shinkawa, Chuo-ku,Tokyo, 104-0033, Japan
Our Company was founded on February 2009,in order to mainly conduct Ship
Management for the World Wide trading ships. Based on the succession from
the base company,it had passed a quarter of a century of managing various
types of Bulk cargo carriers,which including LPG Carriers,Ore carriers
which of size of 150,000GT class.
In order to satisfy our good clientfs needs, we have been expanding our
ship management to Singapore, and through such, we have established the
developments of skills of our oversea superintendents as well as the
education to those personnel.
It is our motto to gain our good clientfs trust by achieving Safe operation
and Enviromental Protection as a ship management company, by the seafarers
and the shore staffs to hold each and others hands as a team, well as,
by fulfilling efficient trainings & education to them.
Masaya Yamauchi
Shinkawa Musashiya Building, 1-2-10, Shinkawa, Chuo-ku,Tokyo, 104-0033, Japan
TEL 03-6262-8090
FAX 03-6262-8093